Troop 250 Eagle Scout Honor Roll
We acknowledge the hard work and dedication that it takes to achieve the highest award in Scouting. The following Scouts of Troop 250 have traveled the Scouting path to the highest peak and have had the honor of attaining Eagle Scout.
Eagle Date – Name
01/12/87 Kevin Whitehead
01/29/90 Kevin Schaefer
09/06/90 Eric Paysen
12/27/90 Dwayne Osmond
12/27/90 Shawn Guicheteau
02/06/92 Donald Osmond
10/05/93 Kevin Paysen
04/19/94 Jason Guicheteau
12/05/99 Luke Prinsloo
06/05/00 James Burfield
05/07/01 Frederick Bartholomew
07/02/01 Alex Walton
12/03/01 David Parker
02/20/02 Gregory Dasher
02/20/02 Matthew Hooper
04/08/02 Jonas Hall
12/02/02 Christopher Alexander
04/07/03 Christopher Powell
04/07/03 Stephen Powell
07/12/03 Brian Pringle
07/14/03 James Singleton
09/08/03 Clayton Brannon
07/21/04 Spencer Weiss
12/16/04 Cameron Johnson
01/10/05 Nathaniel Hayes
01/10/05 Robert Newhouse
10/04/05 Paul Hoover
10/04/05 Joshua Jellema
11/07/05 Andrew Alexander
11/07/05 Ryan Parker
01/02/06 Shane Parker
02/06/06 James Magarahan
04/03/06 Christopher Weber
10/02/06 Ryan Gustafson
10/02/06 Luke Nortz
03/05/07 Ryan DeRosa
11/05/07 Fredrick Cageao
02/04/08 Matthew Singleton
03/03/08 Matthew Alexander
05/07/08 Zachery Hayes
10/06/08 Kyle Smiley
11/03/08 Benjamin Wagner
06/01/09 Jeremy Meyer
06/01/09 Alexander Ormseth
06/01/09 Jesse Reiter
06/01/09 James Smith
06/01/09 Samuel Thomas
07/06/09 Christopher Huss
08/03/09 Richard Barreto
11/02/09 Luke Hoover
07/12/10 Ryan Hobbs
08/02/10 Edward Dunton
10/04/10 Alexander Michaeli
12/06/10 Adrian Beaput
12/06/10 Davis Hudson
12/06/10 Zach Schmitt
12/13/10 William Foster
02/07/11 Will Meyer
06/06/11 Heath Mercer
09/19/11 Michael Harkins
09/19/11 Mitchell McConnell
11/07/11 Zackery Faulkenbury
11/07/11 Jefferson Losse
12/05/11 Jeffrey Scott
02/06/12 Andrew Dunton
02/06/12 Samuel Foster
02/06/12 Michael Wagner
04/09/12 Austin Bowman
04/09/12 John Costa
05/07/12 Andrew Whitaker
06/11/12 Wyatt Keys
06/11/12 Mitchell Scholten
09/10/12 Hunter Manning
09/10/12 Adam Patyk
10/01/12 Andrew Hicks
10/01/12 Harrison Lancaster
11/05/12 Hunter Smith
12/03/12 Kyle Bakker
12/03/12 Andrew Blum
12/03/12 Zach Smith
03/04/13 Jeremy Roberts
04/08/13 Brandon Lounsbury
05/06/13 Christian Gillespy
08/05/13 Corey Caudle
09/09/13 Thomas Zickler
01/06/14 Brad Cauble
06/02/14 Alec Cunningham
06/02/14 Teigen Mahoney
06/02/14 James Pugh
08/04/14 Tim Plankenhorn
08/04/14 Griffin Valerio
10/06/14 Matthew West
02/02/15 Connor Schmitt
03/02/15 Grant Hummel
07/06/15 Brenton Pieper
11/02/15 Graham Lancaster
12/07/15 Brandon Folz
12/07/15 Aaron LaFleur
03/07/16 Jake Elliott
04/04/16 Nicholas Gallo
05/02/16 Travis Pence
06/06/16 Spencer Dulin
07/11/16 Nathaniel Shive
08/01/16 Nicholas Harris
08/01/16 Dalton Jones
09/12/16 Michael De Rado
09/20/16 Noah Overcash
12/05/16 Alexander Rempel
02/06/17 Ryan Certo
02/06/17 Alan Johnson
02/06/17 Joshua Johnson
03/06/17 Gavin Smyre
04/03/17 Jonathan Patyk
04/03/17 Noah Rodgers
05/01/17 Kevin Clausen
05/01/17 Andrew Musmacker
06/05/17 Andre Chang
09/11/17 Alexander Boone
10/02/17 Nikalas Bradberry
10/02/17 Connor Mahoney
11/06/17 Camden Miller
12/04/17 Jayson Cauble
12/04/17 Sam Davis
02/05/18 Hughes Thieman
04/09/18 Alexander Minnich
07/02/18 Andrew Eldridge
08/06/18 Vincent Hunton
11/05/18 Garrett Jones
11/05/18 Ryan Folz
11/05/18 Christian Howe
12/03/18 Zachary Smith
03/04/19 Isaac Palmer
03/04/19 Jacob Patete
05/23/19 Mason Musmacker
06/03/19 Adam Bradberry
06/03/19 Isaac Simpkins
10/07/19 Connor Zahn
11/04/19 Jackson McNease
12/02/19 Jack Stevens
02/03/20 Zachary Gathman
02/03/20 Zach Minnich
05/27/20 Connor Fikes
05/27/20 Zachary Goodwin
09/14/20 Drew Nichols
09/16/20 Daniel Harris
10/05/20 TJ Miller
02/03/21 George Atkinson
03/03/21 Matthew Mager
06/02/21 Sam Garcia
07/07/21 Ryan Muckenfuss
08/04/21 Elliot Simpkins
10/06/21 Jackson Settle
10/06/21 Edan Hyatt
12/01/21 Jake Castino
12/01/21 Braden Zubrod
07/06/22 Jeremy Aviles
08/03/22 Chandler Connor
08/03/22 Don Douglass
11/02/22 Flynn Hyde
12/07/22 Michael Castino
12/07/22 Tyler Edwards
12/07/22 Aleks Wichmann
03/01/23 Andrew Atkinson
04/12/23 Andrew McCloskey
09/06/23 Isaac Campbell
12/06/23 William Fannon
12/06/23 Grayson Diehl
12/06/23 Jackson Smith
05/01/24 Aaron Simpkins
10/02/24 Owen Dunlap
01/08/25 Arnav Meshram