Fellow Arrowmen of Troop 250,
You are invited to join our OA Brothers for the Spring Fellowship: May 18-20, 2018.
Please register here as soon as possible if you are interested:
(Don’t forget to pay your Lodge Dues as well if this is the first OA event you are attending in 2018.)
Ordeal Candidates: If you were tapped out in 2017, but have not completed the Ordeal, Spring Fellowship is the last opportunity to be in the Order without being re-elected. Click here for more information on how to prepare for your Ordeal.
Brotherhood Candidates: After 10 months of service as an Ordeal member and fulfilling certain requirements you may take part in the Brotherhood conversion, which places further emphasis on the ideals of Scouting and the Order. Completion of this ceremony signifies full membership in the Order.
If you completed your Ordeal in August 2017, or before, you are eligible. Please contact me so I can help you preparing for the Brotherhood requirements.
Old Brothers/Steak dinner: The steak dinner option is available for any Old Brother. What is an “Old Brother?” It’s any Scout or Scouter who has already completed the Ordeal.
I encourage all Scouts and Scouters to purchase and enjoy the steak dinner. Ordeal candidates are NOT eligible for the steak dinner.
If you have any questions, please check this page, or feel free to contact me.