Merit Badge University will start February 5th. I have attached a sign up form. If you are interested in participating in MBU, please print out the form and bring it to the meeting Monday.
Merit badge University is your best opportunity to earn merit badges outside of summer camp. This year you will have the opportunity to earn up to five merit badges. We will meet as a Troop on the first three Saturdays in February ( February 4, 11, and 18). The meetings last from 9 am until noon. Some Merit Badges will require additional field trips and homework to complete. If you see a Merit badge that you think you will want to take, I encourage you to go to and look at the requirements. Some merit badges are more difficult than others.
When filling out your MBU forms, you can choose one class in the 9 am time spot (either Family Life, Citizenship in the World, Electricity, or Crime Prevention), one class in the 10 am spot (either Photography, Citizenship in the Nation, Environmental Science, or Personal Management), and one class in the 11 am time slot (either God and Church, Snow Sports/Fingerprinting/Wilderness Survival, Emergency Preparedness, or First Aid). In order to take First Aid, you need to have completed all your First Aid related Target First Class requirements. The Snow Sports/Fingerprinting/Wilderness Survival class will consist of three classes lasting one hour each. Snow Sports will be taught the first week and is a good warm up if you are planning on going on the Winterplace ski trip. In order to earn the Merit Badge, you will also have to demonstrate proficiency at skiing or snowboarding at Winterplace. Fingerprinting will be taught the second week, and Wilderness Survival will be taught the third week. Wilderness Survival will require additional outdoor activities. God and Church is not a Merit Badge, but is an award presented through BSA. It is open to scouts in the 6th-8th grade. Mr. Keys will be providing more information on God and Church.