This year’s Recharter Registration Process has changed. Please read through all the details carefully as we want to include everyone who plans to continue in Troop 250 scouting for the 2016 – 2017 year.
We will continue to combine Popcorn Turn-In and Recharter in a single evening on Monday, October 17th. To expedite the process a new “Registration Form” is attached and will be required to register for the new scouting year. Attached with the registration form you are required to turn in 2 copies of the necessary Medical Forms A, B and 2 copies of Insurance Cards and your registration fees and/or popcorn funds.
The accuracy of your Scout’s registration, accompanying medical forms and fees are a requirement for registration and extremely important. Please note that we do not want to erroneously omit anyone, so if you are unable to attend the October 17th meeting, you must make prior arrangements directly with me to submit all the necessary forms. If you need to turn in forms early, I will be available to meet at the Troop Meeting on Monday, October 10th. You will still need to meet with Julie to turn in popcorn funds & forms. If you miss the registration on October 17th, your scout will be removed from the Troop 250 roster and Recharter. ** We will not make extra copies for people who show up with just one copy so please come prepared. It is impossible for us to make copies for close to 100 families and your cooperation in the matter is imperative as we will only accept completed registrations.
Another topic that is different this year will effect Scouts in Troop 250 who are 14 years old or older. These Scouts have the option to carry dual membership in the Troop and Venturing Crew 250. Mr. Bob Ormseth will make a presentation about the crew at the next Troop meeting.
Young adults involved in Venturing will:
- Experience a program that is fun and full of challenge and adventure.
- Become a skilled training and program resource for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and other groups.
- Acquire skills in the areas of high adventure, sports, arts, hobbies, or religious life.
- Experience positive leadership from adult and youth leaders and be given opportunities to take on leadership roles.
If your Scout is interested in being part of Crew 250, they will need an extra copy of the registration form (attached) and write “Crew 250” next to their name. During registration night on October 17th Bob Ormseth will be there to coordinate the Crew registration process. You will need to have a BSA Youth Application for Crew 250 completed along with the registration form. Bob will have copies of the BSA Youth applications or you can print one online and bring it with you. A parent will need to sign the application in order for the registration to be effective. There is no registration fee to join the Crew but there are activities fees during the year.
Thank you,
Gordon Folz
Troop 250 Committee Chairman